My Style: Wedding Party

Dressing up for a wedding reception can be tricky because no one wants to upstage the bride on her big day. The first rule of thumb for all ladies attending a wedding is to STAY AWAY FROM WHITE as that color is the bride's for that day. However, since today's reception is more of a party rather than a typical reception I opted for a white+black dress that dips at the back (which is a style that is coming back).
I decided on minimal accessories just a pair of pearl earrings and a statement 'brass knuckle' inspired clutch.

For my make up, I decided to test my hand at creating a black wing look again (and it didn't look all that bad this time). Decided on classy, elegant make up (I hope I managed to pull it off) and went with an easy up do (which really just involves pinning all your hair up).

Dress: Jane Norman
Clutch: Iconic
Earrings: For Love


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