The Day I Met Louie

Going to college has got to be one of the most boring things I do all week simply because everything seems to be taught over and over again! So you can imagine my mood when I was dropped to college an hour early (these are the days when I really understand and appreciate the fact that I have my own car and I honestly loathe the days when I have to give it in for servicing!). Unlike other days, however, that day turned out to be one of those days that I will remember forever. That was the day I met little Louie, my kitten.

I remember it like it were yesterday, I was sitting on the steps outside
college and there were two guys sitting in the exact same place but one of them couldn't stop playing with the kitten that was sitting under his legs. My first thought was that this guy had probably got his kitten to college to use it to get girls to talk to him (cuz trust me there have been guys in my college known to do this, with dogs mainly). So I didn't really bother saying or doing anything because I didn't want to give him any attention. Checking my watch I had another 45 minutes left and at that point I began to wonder why time seemed to pass so slowly when you wanted it to just wiz by?

Soon after, the guys headed to their class (i presume) and left behind the kitten and some bottles of milk. I couldn't hold back any longer because the kitten was just the cutest thing ever! I went next to it as soon as the guys were out of sight and began to play with it. Soon, I was joined by some of my classmates and realized that it would soon be time for me to head to class. But I didn't want to leave the kitten behind. At that point, I made the decision that if no one came to claim him I take him home. No one did. Safe to say I didn't end up going to class, I spent the whole time trying to figure out how to take him home, alone in my car. Called a friend who came and assisted me we put him in a box and took him straight to the vet, who informed me that he was male, 2 months old and that he was perfectly healthy! Took him home and he fit right in.

When I found him in college me a long with some of my classmates were trying to decide on names for him. We thought of Monster, Ninja and Cookie but none of them seemed fit. In stead, I decided to name him Louie because it feels right. He's a happy camper, who loves to play and snuggle in bed with me (he does bite a wee bit but I guess it's just because he's still small)

It's really nice having Louie around and bringing him home is, probably, one of the best decisions I've ever made because he really shows you how much he loves you! Every time I come home from out he's the first to greet me at the door and I never feel as alone as I did before he came along.


  1. Awwww, I absolutely love this post! :D If Louie could read he'd probably give you a big hug right now! and I love the pictures! :D <3

    1. He did bite me as I was typing this out, does that count? HAHA! He's a cutie and he can't wait to see you :P (he told me!)

  2. I love the fact that you still use "cuz" in your sentences :P ! Also, is that a picture of my legs where he's on the laptop? I love Louie! :D

    1. 'Because' sounds too long and formal :$ And yes those are your legs! :)

  3. aww!! He's so sweet!!! Good for you, taking him in! I have a rescue cat that I am absolutely in love with, I've had him for 4 years and can't imagine my life without him :)
